Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado
la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga


1. The Lenten Retreat came at a perfect time as we prepare to enter into Holy Week. I found the time each day to be a sacred space, an intimate time to be with Christ as He suffered His passion. What love He shows me…sacrificial love, unending love, unconditional love. I was deeply moved by the talk on Christ’s silence in the suffering. His interior freedom to surrender all to His Father…such love for me, for us all. My gratitude for this time of prayer, reflection, and intimacy with Our Lord in the quiet of my home. Thank you, for all you do to make this available to us!

2. First, I want to say thanks for the experience, it helped me to feel (try to) how much love Jesus is giving us, not only during his Passion but now with this retreat.

1. What were you looking for or expecting when you started the retreat?

A space to pray and experience in another language which is not what I use daily

2. What were your experiences while living the retreat?

The best experience was to cry while doing the reflections, I could not understand how far we were at that time from Jesus, somehow today is the same … we as a church need to do more to include those people who do not know how much Jesus loves us

3. What parts resonated with you?

Jesus’s silence. He had the power to revert everything however he died voluntarily, “Take away from me this chalice of bitterness! Nevertheless, let not what I want to be done, but what you want. And give me wings to fly in pursuit of your will.”

3. Thank you so much. The retreat was so life-altering and spiritually strengthening.

I found this particular Retreat both moving and comforting in preparation for Holy Week. As Jesus walked the Path of Pain and Love to save us, it was a moving continuation of the awe inspiring and faith fulfilling experience this Retreat created for me. It gave me a deeper more personal experience of Christ’s Unconditional Love, Passion, and Sacrifice for our Salvation. God’s Love Conquers All! During these challenging times with the brutality in Ukraine, our world is in need of this message. God’s Example of Love and Living Love. Thanks to you and all those who made this Retreat possible.

4. To me, Lent is very important. I look forward to this season, every year because it reminds me that I can start anew.
Every year when I make my Lenten plans, I try my best to follow them. When I received the invitation to participate in this retreat, I was like BINGO, because a retreat like this one was part of those plans. A time alone where I can pause for a moment to deepen my relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
This retreat reminds me that no matter how hard or difficult life is, I am not alone, my savior Jesus Christ is with me all the time, walking with me, talking to me, and holding my hands…

One of the parts that resonated with me was – Let nothing disturb you, because it is true, sometimes I don’t see to understand anything, but God knows what’s best for me, his plan is better than mine.

Thank you so much for the invitation.

Have a blessed Easter!

5. What a perfect time to live this amazing retreat!!! For me was a memory and heart refresher of the act of pain to love the Jesus did for us. Father, you guide my ship, and in your hands, I will let myself be carried where you want when you want, let it be done. Thank you, this was a gift from God. Happy Easter.

6. Thank you, for taking your time to do this lent retreat for us. I appreciate your effort and your kindness.

1. Honestly it was very hard to find a quiet place and concentrate on my readings every day, but I did it slowly. I want to find peace and feel the love of our Jesus in my heart, as I am processing everything that is going on in the world and in my personal life.

2. Sadness, because of the Pain and torture that once again I live to “understand” what our Lord went through at the time of his death. Sadness once again because it feels to many people in the world and even in our church still do not feel that pain and love that Jesus went through to redeem us all from sin. I, myself, and we, the people in our world, need to work more, and most of all believe and accept that we all belong to Jesus and should at least think a little bit like Him.

3. Our king suffered too much for us. So, who are we for not to suffer now?

7. Thank you for inviting us to this retreat. Maybe I didn’t do it with all the dedication as it should be done, but it still helped me a lot to immerse myself in Lent and be prepared for Holy Week. The best of all is that we have the recordings, and we can listen again and meditate on the passion of Christ again at any time. It’s great that people like you are doing these retreats and evangelizing people, God bless you, please keep me in all your groups, and thank you very much!

8. Much effort and care went into the preparation of this retreat. A loving way to end lent. After a series of losses in the past couple of years, the retreat gave me a much-needed perspective as to how to accept things that we cannot change. In addition to His silence, His serenity in the face of pain and suffering brought me back to what is really important: “He slept. He slept in the arms of his Father”. Thank you for this very timely experience.

9. This retreat made me look and think at the events leading up to Christ’s resurrection in a whole different manner.

10. Thank you for sharing the retreat material. The readings really made me appreciate more the agony Christ experienced for each of us. I plan to reread this during Holy Week.

11. Today Palm Sunday, Jesus triumphantly enters our hearts.

My expectation was the evangelical learning about the pain and love of Jesus during His passion and death.

This retreat refreshed in my heart the great love shown by Jesus with his suffering for the liberation of the crosses of our life, giving them to God, fully following His will. I also refresh prayers, songs and practices lived in other retreats as wonderful as this one, learning by repetition. We should apply them daily to imitate Jesus. On the last day, it was difficult to find the place and the time to do it, I did it in the silence of the night before going to sleep.

GOD is love. I ask God for strength and perseverance to apply what I have learned on a daily basis.

Again, thank you very much for this opportunity to dedicate time to Our Lord.

12. I very much appreciated the wonderful meditations on the passion in this retreat. They made the passion so very real to me. I tried to do the retreat first thing every morning and it colored my whole day. Thank you for all you’ve done to bring us closer to Jesus! Blessings and Happy Easter to all of you!

13. I knew this retreat would be a spiritually moving retreat!

Thank you so much for continually sharing your love of Our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. Many blessings.

After participating in the readings and reflecting on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, I cried with sorrow and tears of joy because he is victorious!

What really moved me was through all of Jesus’ suffering for me, the realization of his emotions as his death drew near. I did not think about how he felt as I read and listened during the retreat. Most of all, God’s love for us, and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus and his love for us.

14. I was looking for the strength to let go and let God. I know he can do anything and everything way better than me, but sometimes I wonder if he hears me. I need more faith.

a. I am learning to let go and it is working I now feel more at peace because I know Jesus loves me and will take care of all my needs. I just wish that everyone could feel the love that Jesus gives to us.

b. I am so glad that I did this retreat I never realized Jesus had such a bad life I now realize my life isn’t so bad after all. Jesus had it far worse than me and I no longer can complain. I know Jesus loves me and I love Jesus. I hope this retreat makes me a better person and I hope I can convince more people to love Jesus. I am so glad I did this retreat, and You are doing such a great job. Thank you for everything and keep up the good work. We need more people like you. May God Bless you. Happy Holy Week and Happy Easter.

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